Friday, December 24, 2004

Season's Greetings from Sir William Osler

In the spirit of the times, I wish you all a

Merry Christmas


Happy Hanukkah


"Have a Good One" (official holiday greeting for the non-religious)

Sir William Osler (1849-1919), the father of modern medicine and called "the most influential physician in history", was not only a brilliant healer, scientist, writer and teacher, but a prodigious font of memorable quotations. I plan to share with you some of his best words of medical wisdom in a future post but for today please accept a preview of the baronet's keen and insightful tongue:

"Courage and cheerfulness will not only carry you over the rough places in life, but will enable you to bring comfort and help to the weak-hearted and will console you in the sad hours."

(hmm......sounds like a good motto for the blog site)

"Live neither in the past nor in the future, but let each day absorb all your interest, energy and enthusiasm. The best preparation for tomorrow is to live today superbly well."

(see why I admire him?) and finally:

"There is a form that springs from the heart, heard every day in the merry voice of childhood, the expression of a laughter-loving spirit that defies analysis by the philosopher....Bubbling spontaneously from the artless heart of a child or man, with egoism and full of feeling, laughter is the music of life."

Whether this time of year fills you with memories of joy or memories of loss, may this music find your ears and bring you peace.
-The Cheerful Oncologist


At 10:52 AM, Blogger Gurustu said...

Thank you for the words of wisdom. It's what my site (and my life) is all about. Wishing you a happy good one and an even better next one!

Keep the light on!


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